Action Porty April Members Update and AGM Info
April 2021
Action Porty AGM – 31st May at 7pm on Zoom:
Details of the fourth Action Porty AGM can be found on Facebook and on our website and will be posted in the Bellfield notice board. For the meeting to be quorate we need 25 members to attend so please join us on Zoom. The Zoom details will be sent out closer to the time.
We hope you can join us for an overview of the last year (2019/20) – (almost a world before the Covid-19 pandemic). The annual accounts for that period will be presented and we’ll take a look at this past year (2020/21) as well as giving an overview of plans for the year ahead (2021/22) and beyond. We’ll also be showcasing the newly commissioned photos by Open Eye, for Community Land Scotland who wanted to commemorate the first urban community buy-outs. The photo at the top of the page is one of the shots as is the one below. Thanks Becky Duncan!
You might have previously noticed the name of this newsletter is ‘Member’s Update’. The concept of members is important in the organisational structure of Action Porty, specifically members are an important part of community ownership. The volunteer Action Porty board are all members elected by the membership to run Bellfield on their behalf. The members who live within our designated boundary (called ‘ordinary’ members) can vote on matters at the AGM and essentially own Bellfield but anyone can attend our AGM.
If you are getting this update you might be a member but you might simply be a subscriber. This page on our website lays out the difference between ‘ordinary’, ‘associate’ and ‘junior’ members but is also it also lets people just subscribe to this mailing list. We have the category you signed up for on record but you might not be sure what category you fall into so please feel free to contact us by reply to clarify that matter if you have any doubts. Additionally, if for example, your postal address has changed, or you want us to use a different email to contact you, please get in touch to update your details.
Volunteering Opportunities
There are currently a few spaces on the Board of Action Porty. If you are interested in joining the board or finding out more about what is involved in being a trustee please get in touch by reply before 13th May. We’d be happy to discuss the opportunity. It’s a working board not just governance so there is plenty to get stuck into.
Or if maybe you think you’d rather ‘just’ get involved as a volunteer at Bellfield please have a look at the various volunteering groups on our website. It’ a great way to get to know people in your community as well as improve your skills. Everyone is warmly welcome and encouraged to become involved in the Bellfield community.
Porty Community Energy - Low Carbon Transport in Portobello event TOMORROW - 29 April 1900 - 2030hrs.
On Thursday 29 April, our friends at Porty Community Energy (PCE) will be holding an online event to explore low carbon transport options locally. Action Porty is acutely aware that too much traffic is a major issue in Portobello, and in society more generally. We acknowledge the need to shift to active transport such as cycling and walking, and to shift from private to public transport, wherever possible. There is a society wide shift underway which is urgent and difficult for us all.
PCE looks forward to seeing you on Thursday 29th April at 7pm and please share the Eventbrite invitation with your friends and family locally.
The Community Garden
Hopefully you have been enjoying the new Community Garden out front at Bellfield, especially now that spring has sprung.
The principle motivation for the changes is to increase biodiversity. The red gravel was well past it’s best and maintaining the space without the use of pesticides was difficult. By creating new habitats for invertebrates and for wildlife, we are playing a small part in combating habitat fragmentation.
The idea of a community garden is that knowledge and experience is shared and grows. We have a dedicated and talented volunteer team working to deliver for the climate, biodiversity, local residents and to improve the public realm. Building the garden may take longer than it would if we had engaged full-time gardeners, but the process is far more valuable to the designers, their team of volunteers and to the community as a whole.
Raised beds (picture above) were built by volunteers from Edinburgh Tool Library last weekend and the flowers and plants are coming into their own.
Have you seen our apple trees (picture below), which are part of are part of Art Walk Porty Neighbouring Orchards Project? The first blossom is appearing. Can you spot the ants?
You can get updates on the project at our website which also links to the facebook page.
Gifts by donation
Your generosity keeps us going. As a charity, we rely on your donations (one off or regular) to enable us to support Bellfield and make a difference to the Community of Portobello. Don’t forget that, in addition to gifts by donation, you can support Bellfield by considering making a gift in your will. This is very easy and straightforward. You can find out more about ways to donate here.
Lastly you can also support us each time you shop on Amazon. Of course we recommend shop local first but if you are buying from Amazon then please use AmazonSmile, and Amazon donates to Action Porty, at no cost to you.
Till the next update,
Yours Aye
The Action Porty Board for Bellfield