November Members Update
Screen Porty @ Bellfield Friday 9th December - Celebration Hall – 7pm till 9.30pm
Screen Porty @ Bellfield present their second screening, this time showing another classic, “Local Hero". Join us in the Celebration Foyer at 19.00 for some nibbles, drinks and chat, with the film starting in the Large Celebration Hall at 19.30. Please come along to support and be involved in community cinema. Tickets cost £5 and are available from or on the door on the night.
Planning application for E-cargo bike sheds
Action Porty and Porty Community Energy have been working together for some months to gain planning permission for a shed to store e-cargo bikes in the back garden at Bellfield. Can you support this application, and Edinburgh’s Councillors to make the right decision? Key points to make (in your own words if possible) include:
There is significant community benefit to this application, which outweighs all other matters
Installing bike hoops and building a permanent store for PCE’s e-cargo bike library will support multiple environmental, climate and transport policy targets e.g. in relation to greenhouse gas emissions reduction, improving air quality, establishing 20 minute neighbourhoods and increasing active travel.
The proposal will protect the gravemarkings.
The development will be discreetly located, not visible outside the site.
The development will not impact on the listed building.
To register your support, please click on this link and provide your views: or search the Planning Portal ( with reference 22/05805/FUL.