In April 2016, the merger of Portobello’s three Church of Scotland congregations into one at Portobello and Joppa Parish Church raised concerns that the space on Bellfield Street would be lost.

A group of local volunteers formed Action Porty to save the former Portobello Old Parish Church buildings for community use. Following a successful campaign, Action Porty were granted the right to buy the buildings by the Scottish Government in 2017.

The Scottish Land Fund agreed to cover 94% of the purchase price and Bellfield re-opened to the community with a day of celebrations on Saturday 23rd June 2018.

Scroll down for a more detailed account of the ‘Save Bellfield’ campaign


Owned by the community, for the community.

saving bellfield


Aware that its future was in question, a group of local volunteers began working together with the goal of retaining the Bellfield buildings as a community resource – owned by the community, for the community.

When it became clear the sale of Bellfield would proceed, a public meeting was held. Over 75 attendees voted unanimously to establish Friends of Bellfield to retain this vital asset.

Two processes were instigated: (1) a Community Right to Buy (CRtB) process to ensure the community had first right to buy the buildings a market prices, and (2) a process to secure funds from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF). These funds would enable us bring in the expertise we needed to put together an application for over 80% of the purchase price.

Action Porty was created as a company limited by guarantee, to meet the legal requirements and facilitate the process. Action Porty offered full membership to all voters in Portobello, junior membership to those under 16, and associate membership to those outwith Portobello. Over £16,000 was quickly secured from SLF to hire consultants, architects and business experts to help assess the business case, evaluate community needs, and to develop strong plans.

In September 2016 we became the first urban community in Scotland to successfully register our CRtB application. This required the completion of all the paperwork, as well as over 40 volunteers going door to door to secure the minimum 10% backing from the electorate for this venture. In a matter of weeks, and working to a deadline, we managed to secure the backing of 1,500 voters (over 25% of voters in Portobello). With just four days to recruit members of Action Porty before submission, 315 people signed up!

The community were incredibly supportive throughout. Over £2,000 was raised in one night in a Bellfield cabaret, and almost 200 people participated in an event at the Library to feedback their ideas and responses to the initial architects drawings and options appraisal.

Find out more about how the community in Portobello took ownership of Bellfield Church via the Community Right to Buy Scheme in this video here


Where we are now


Since the 6th September 2017 when we took possession of the keys, and June 2018 when Bellfield opened to the community, we’ve made significant progress.

We are now into the challenging phase of continuing to develop our plans, putting the processes in place, and generating enough rental income to make the community’s vision a reality. All of this whilst ensuring the fabric of the building is maintained, and running the building as a thriving venue.

Fast forward to 2020 and we’ve made great progress. We hope as many people in Portobello as possible will join Action Porty, get involved in the Bellfield project and let us know what you want Bellfield to become.

If you would like to donate to the Bellfield project, you can do so through Paypal below, or by sending a cheque made out to ‘Action Porty’ to 53 Brunstane Road, Edinburgh, EH15 2QS.